The Last Full Moon of the Year
A Gemini Full Moon squaring Neptune | Mercury stationing direct with help from Venus & Mars
If you are on my personal newsletter, you just received a long note about today’s Full Moon. (If you’d like to join that click here.)
What I want to share in the Garden of Imaginal Substack space is a card spread and journal prompts to feel into your own relationship with this moon’s energy.
Before we get into that, here are a few things that are coming in hot for me.
This GEMINI Full Moon reminds me of the importance of tiring out the mind or talking something out until there’s nothing more to say.
An exhausted mind is sometimes more open to the intuitive simplicity of inner knowing and synchronicity.
December 2024 is a preview to 2025. Here is what I have noticed so far in bullet points.
Dormant seeds are waking up = new emerging unrecognized modalities, shapes, and languages we all carry are starting to be felt and asking to be developed.
What is hard to recognize or unfamiliar is easy to “misfile” in the wrong category so right now new ways of relating to each other and listening are very important. Are you able to hit the reset button in a long-term relationship or communication issue and start all over?
Anything we assume about others as a pattern will come up if it’s false and doesn’t serve them or us.
Previous feelings of not having what we need fade away as new paths and resources show up - and instead of feeling blocks are external we start to notice how internally prepared we are (or are not) to have what we need, and to know what to do with it.
We start to realize we are all living in a matrix of our own making, that meaning is highly subjective, and to meet one another in relationship without abandoning ourselves means finding a middle ground between our matrices.
The exhausted MIND, the overcommunicated message opens up for total surrender - which is often when a breakthrough finally occurs.
Self-exploitation is what gets in the way of our creative development - the linear “if this, then that” thinking pushes the reality we desire farther away from the present using judgment and attachment to polarization. When we learn presence we can access everything. Presence doesn’t have expectations and receives access to all potential.
People who refuse to operate out of sef-exploitation will trigger those who have not had the privilege or perception or combination to shift out of that dynamic. We will start to wonder why it is we are fighting to perceive clean food, air, time freedom, and emotional regulation as something to reserve for privileged versions of us, and instead see these are our birthright, and in doing so, we will break through to new possibilities of relating to our needs and desires and the needs and desires of others.
P.S. I would love to invite you to my Workshop Set SEEDING VISIONS! If you’d like to create powerful magic to prepare for the upcoming transformative New Year, join me on the Solstice & New Year’s Day. Learn more here.
Thank you for making another new year threshold offering. I just reviewed last years and I cannot believe (though I should, why not?) how much I anticipated and what I would need to get through!