What is a Cosmology & Why Is It Important?
Beautiful Mythsfits,
I have a lot of hypotheses about 2020 and the story of our species. These hypotheses took me three years of wrestling:
wrestling with with my analytical mind,
my intuition,
my need rooted in childhood to have those outside of me tell me who I am,
my fear of being disliked and outcast, or even delusional…
It took all of that wrestling to develop an internally-sourced compass inside of me, and to also create a map of reality that was my own.
In 2020 we had a lot of questions to ask ourselves:
How do I navigate a public health crisis with constantly changing information?
Am I creating more reactivity and fear by sharing bad news?
Am I being incredibly ignorant and spiritually bypassing by ignoring the bad things happening in the world?
Are the beliefs I have crazy?
Should I say what I think even though I know it will be interpreted by others in a way that will probably be different than what I meant?
I will tell you right now: I don't have the answers to these questions for you.
I think we get so lost in these hyper specific questions because culturally, we tend to skip over a lot of deeply foundational questions.
Questions like:
How do I navigate an uncertain world without constantly giving my authority away to something outside of me?
How do I know what is real and aligned for me in a time of polarized opinions and ever-shifting social norms?
We aren't educated in by most school systems in
how to think, how to make choices, how to process our feelings, and how to see reality.
And even if our education has tackled these foundational truths, perhaps through some kind of religious or philosophical lens, more often than not, it is a through a learning model that teaches us to become experts on other people's opinions, and rewards us for expressing our ideas in rigid forms and obtuse elitist language (academia.)
We live within a hyperstimulated internet culture,
during a time when outdated authorities are crumbling,
and new voices are trying to fill the power vacuum.
It is easy to get lost.
It is human to be uncertain.
This is why I believe we need to get very clear on our own beliefs, and reality models, and it is precisely the process of doing this for myself that I am sharing in the biggest project I have ever birthed, my upcoming course: Create Your Cosmology.
If you are a creative who is looking for your True North, I invite you to join me for Create Your Cosmology.
We begin on September 23rd, and if you sign up before 9/13, you receive a bonus 1:1 session with me.
Wondering if my facilitation style resonates with you?
Check out my workshop Magic Without Hierarchy for free here.