3/3 and A Belief in Portals
(Scroll down for the audio version)
I always see something when I need to.
Right before I started writing this, I saw this post on Instagram about a practitioner teaching a sound healing course talking about New Age thinking and its dangers -
She talked about how uncomfortable she was with a tendency in New Age communities for people to say everything they bring forward is “channeled” from a higher source of knowing and that she was really bringing a critical eye to her coursework so that her work could become accredited, and her desire to bring forth academic standards to all of the work she is now putting out.
I also saw this quote on the IG page for Advaya:
All of this information felt really helpful as I was thinking about what I wanted to share about the 3/3 portal.
Right now a lot of people I know have been having strange sensitivities in their body, an inability to sleep, out-of-nowhere healing crises, and because we interact with photonic light, (perhaps some of you have seen these studies by Andrew Huberman?), I am pretty sure that our bodies must be impacted by the fact that a piece of the sun broke off and created a vortex.
A Collective Shift
In Human Design, there is a belief that we will be going through a pretty big consciousness shift in 2027. (While I read human design charts, I look at everything as an energy language, not a bible with an infallible prophet, but hey, that’s me.)
This aligns with Toltec Prophecies, which say:
5/26/2021-2026. Humanity will begin to escape the dark period, overcoming “the obstacles of the times,” by moving from an outer focus to an inner one and by working on personal growth.
In 2020, when I was feeling very anxious about the state of the world, I also came across Lee Harris, who had also been receiving similar information about 2020-2027 being a time of great change for humanity. (Sharing in case you are curious, but know I investigated this person’s work for 3 years and found a lot of resonance with it, even though in the beginning I thought it was bananas.)
NOW… back to the first thought about New Age vs. Academia.
If you are in my community, you may be familiar with the concept of both/and. This is the idea that multiple ideas can be true at the same time. I believe this is because each of us carry a perceptive/vantage that is not replicated by anyone else in existence. So we all see from a particular perspective on purpose!
We were educated in a system where we are rewarded for finding a right answer, and our need to belong causes deep shame in us when others see us as “wrong” because as a species we rely on a sense of belonging on some level to actually survive.
This ‘one right answer’ mythology leads us to believe we should reduce ourselves to a singular perspective, and I actually do believe that it is in some people’s nature to see the world very linearly, and that is beautiful.
However, for me, for who I am on a creative level, on a human level and/also on an energetic level, having to believe in one right way is actually painful.
Now… one of the things I think is so important in our lifetime is understanding that direct knowing and direct perception of reality - the uninterpreted reality - is essential for an intuitive sensitive being’s happiness.
To put this simply, how can we be happy if we don’t see the world through our own eyes?
How can we be empowered if we are always asking someone outside of us to make sense of our lives?
I think that the practitioner talking about the dangers of New Age thinking is coming from a desire to be in deep integrity with herself and her teachings, but where is the ability to believe our own intuition, sensory body and two things to be true at the same time?
Also, why categorize ideas as New Age vs. Earth-based vs. Spiritual vs. Quantum. We have the freedom to approach each idea, and each sharer of an idea as unique so that we don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they way.
For me, to share with integrity means:
Allowing people to have unacademic ways of knowing. This is the foundation for most indigenous wisdom.
Trusting that it is not our job to decide what is true for others.
Being humble about sharing mis and disinformation. Manipulated / manipulative information has a very different energy than sharing our opinions and knowing and presenting them as such.
Checking in with ourselves about our underlying motivation or emotional state when we share something. Are we offering a perspective, trying to evangelize? Are we selling something that we don’t believe really serves anyone? Or coming from a fear of how others will see us, and creating content simply for those people?
To me, if we don’t have a sense of these things, it is easy to become self-censoring, disempowered beings, instead of tuning into the possibility that we are naturally expressive, thoughtful, interdependent and unique creative beings.
And so, LOL Back to 3/3
I have seen a ton of mystics talk about the portal days of 2/2, 3/3 etc. (For example, I really enjoy Alex Myles).
And when I tune into these dates, my direct knowing feels this as true. It is very affirming for me to see others resonate with what I am sensing too.
Because numbers have an energy, and time is malleable, these days feel like an invitation into synchronicity, intention setting, and magic.
But/and also, It is GREAT and healthy to have inputs in my reality that differ from what I sense. It keeps me tethered to the fact that others beliefs can differ from my own. It also reminds me that when our ideas are not tainted with misinformation or personal agendas, we are usually coming from a deep place of innocence - and what is more innocent than deeply wanting to understand the world, while also knowing at any given moment, we might be wrong?
What is more innocent than wanting to know about the world around us and ourselves, not to conquer, not to divide, not to create intellectual property, or ownership, but just to exist in peace with what is and have an idea of what could be.
So, yeah, I love 3/3. I won’t make a case for it, because it makes more sense for us to come to our own opinions about if it resonates or if it even matters to us.
I personally believe this is a great day for all intentions related to deep healing (Chiron), beauty and relationships and values (Venus), and expansion, luck, travel and study (Jupiter.)
So why not interact with what brings you closer to any of these three?
Thanks for reading and being here.
An Audio Version of the Newsletter